Scott Mogilefsky Utah Hunter Education of the year for the Salt Lake Area 2015

* $34.50 online course cost and a $6.00 registration fee. In addition, some facilities charge to rent a room or range, which increases the student cost. 

This course does not replace the hunter education course for hunters born after December 31, 1965. Hunter born after that date must still complete the hunter education course before purchasing their hunting licenses.  Total field day time: 3 hours minimum. 

The furharvester education course provides instruction in safe and responsible trapping, including instruction in the use of trapping devices, trapping laws, trapping ethics, techniques in safely releasing nontarget animals, firearms safety, wildlife management, proper catch handling trapper health and safety, and ethics related to the avoidance of conflicts with other public land users and private landowners. There will be field exercises and a final written exam.

Utah Furharvester Education:  A Utah resident born after Dec. 31, 1984 may not purchase a resident furbearer license unless the applicant has completed a Division-approved furharvester education course.  This is a comprehensive course for Utah furharvester education certification. Completion is required to trap in Oregon and several other states.

* $30.00 online course cost and a $6.00 registration fee. In addition, some facilities charge to rent a room or range, which increases the student cost. 

The course includes bowhunting safety, ethics, methods and regulations. We will also discuss elevated stands, shot placement and survival. There will be field exercises and a final written exam.  Total field day time: 5 hours minimum

Utah Bow Hunter Education: This is a comprehensive course for national bowhunter certification. Completion is required to bowhunt in Idaho, Montana, Alaska and several other states. This course does not replace the hunter education course for archery hunters born after Dec. 31, 1965 — these hunters must still complete the hunter education course before purchasing their hunting licenses

There are three tests students will be graded on: the written test, shooting test & the student’s attitude. The passing grade for the written test is 75% (38/50). The shooting test will be a live fire exercise at targets 50 feet away. Students are authorized to use any one of the following: .22 caliber, 17HMR rimfire rifles, pellet or BB gun. Students will shoot five practice rounds as a warm up. Students will fire a total of 30 shots from 3 shooting positions during the testing phase. The three positions will be from the standing, kneeling and prone positions. 50% (15/30) shots must be in the “kill zone” to pass the shooting test.

Students will need to follow the guidelines each instructor has for registration in order to hold your slot for field day. Most instructors require students to send their Hunter Education Registration Certificates to them by mail. If you plan to purchase your Hunter Education Registration Certificate online, then plan ahead of time. It usually takes 2 weeks to receive it. Do not wait until the last minute to sign up for a class! Field day is about 5-6 hours of classroom time, a visit from a Utah Conservation Officer, practical exercises and a written test. We will have the range for 2 hours for the shooting test.

The Utah Hunter Education Online Course consists of the online course and field day. The online portion of the class is self paced and the student can spend as much time as they need learning the material presented. You do not need to be enrolled in a hunter education course prior to starting the online course work. The online course work is usually between 12-18 hours long. Students can receive help from other people while doing the course work and study. However, the student will not be allowed to receive any help while taking the test. It is highly recommended the students do the tests & quizzes on their own. It would be wise to purchase the Hunter Education Registration Certificate while you are working on the online portion (you will need this to register for the field day portion). There are four different online courses to choose from.

The Utah Hunter Education program helps you learn essential safety skills and develop practical techniques useful for hunting. Completion of a basic hunter education course is required to obtain a hunting license in Utah if you were born after Dec. 31, 1965. All courses offered by the Utah Hunter Education program are nationally recognized. Scott Mogilefsky specializes in the Utah Hunter Education Course, Utah Bow Hunter Education Course and Utah Furharvester Education Course - online/field day.

Utah Hunter Education Courses: